
We support adults of all ages alongside their family and support network.

Our specialist assessment and therapy programs focus on your individual needs, circumstances, and goals. Our aim is to help you achieve personalized and meaningful outcomes. For some people, this is being able to choose how you spend your time and the places you go. For others, it’s being able to get out into the community, take your kids to school or manage essential activities like showering or preparing meals.

Our experienced therapists can assist you to develop your abilities, improve your support and safety. It can also involve changing things in your environment with the latest in specialized equipment or technology to make life easier and increase what you can do for yourself. This can assist with areas such as:

  • moving safely at home and getting around the community
  • being comfortable and safe when sitting or lying
  • house cleaning or doing laundry
  • parenting when living with a disability
  • developing positive relationships
  • managing money day to day
  • driving